Say with Chocolate
Say with Chocolate, a cheeky fun anagram chocolate and gag chocolate company based in Perth, West Australia. Made with Affinity Designer + Photo on the iPad Pro In 2020 we had the chance to work on the launch of a new company / and product "Say with Chocolate". Where I worked on the branding and packaging, intending to create a brand that can be extended to multiple sub-products
The Outcome:
This resulted in a design that fills fresh, colourful and new. That both stand out in the candle market and fits within the quirky nature of the product.

Strategy & Approach
Over a one-day facilitated session, we surfaced the challenges, Say With Chocolate, as a company faced. In the process,
they prioritised the needs and goals of the business and its customers, uncovering the issues there currently brand and how it was hurting new clients. This became the foundation for the branding and marketing plans for 2020 and onwards.
Through a series of exercises in the strategy session, we were able to extract and refine the key pillars of the brand. This defined the brand’s personality: how it should look, sound, and act.

Say with Chocolate, sits in a sea of never-ending chocolate brands, everywhere you look. So it's important to define and narrow down there end target users to better help design and brand and product around them. We created unique user profiles to represent the range of attendees. This painted a clear picture of their demographics, psychographics, needs and wants.
Understanding what Say with Chocolate brand is and who they are a champion for, helped define the positioning statement of the organization:
“For the crazzy ones with a Twitsted mine”

Brand Refresh
A new look
With the logo, the client wanted it to be versatile, that across sub-brands the "Say With" will remain, while the word next to it, can change depending on the sub-product. So we designed "Say With" with a custom type that will work and look good against most other types and word lengths.
The designed ended up with the "Say With" Being on different lines and would stay the same both in point size and font across sub-products. While the product text, (in this case "Chocolate") would be aligned to the right allowing different fonts and different length words to be placed without the design getting too small. With this came the idea of allowing the "Product text" to take on more of a character and style telling the brands style and feel thought the design of the letters.

Chocolate is not just about the logo, it's also about the box the chocolate is in!!!!! This we wanted to create a box that fills like chocolate as soon as you see in, wanting to grab it right off the shelf and shove it into your mouth. We created a design that uses the chocolate swirls and a pattern shape inoculated within shapes (these elements will be used though of the brand making plan.
The brand has a quirky side to it and we wanted to show this in the packing as well. On each side of the box will have a funny message to treat the buyer with.